Object types

Base Types

Base types are the basic building blocks of every more advanced type.


A boolean can either be true or false. As a result, the two possible values a boolean matcher can have are true or false.


All Integers use 64-bit internally. The following matcher constructs are supported:

Matches, if the integer is equal to <value>.
> <value>
Matches, if the integer is bigger than <value>.
>= <value>
Matches, if the integer is bigger than or equal to <value>.
< <value>
Matches, if the integer is less than <value>.
<= <value>
Matches, if the integer is less than or equal to <value>.

Floating-point numbers

All floating-point numbers use 64-bit internally. Floating-point number literals must have an f or F suffix to distinguish them from normal integers. Leading zeros can also be omitted. This means that 1f, 0.5f and .3f are all valid floating-point number literals. Moreover, the following matcher constructs are supported:

Matches, if the floating-point number is equal to <value>.
> <value>
Matches, if the floating-point number is bigger than <value>.
>= <value>
Matches, if the floating-point number is bigger than or equal to <value>.
< <value>
Matches, if the floating-point number is less than <value>.
<= <value>
Matches, if the floating-point number is less than or equal to <value>.


There are two different ways to match a string:

Literal string matchers

Usage:Matches, if the string is equal to <string>.
Example:'test' matches the string test.

Regular expression matchers

Usage:Matches, if the specified regular expression completely matches the string.
Example:r'(string)+' would match string and also stringstring

Advanced types


List contain elements of the same type in a specific order, for example a list of strings. There are four different ways to match a list:

Literal list matchers

Syntax:[<matcher1>, <matcher2>, ...]
Usage:Matches, if every matcher matches the list element at the same index.
Example:[1-3, 4-6] matches the integer list [2, 5] but not [2, 5, 1].

Any element matchers

Syntax:matchAny: <matcher>
Usage:Matches, if the specified matcher matches at least one element of the list.
Example:matchAny: 1-3 matches the integer list [4, 5, 2] but not [4, 5].

Every element matchers

Syntax:matchAll: <matcher>
Usage:Matches, if the specified matcher matches every element of the list.
Example:matchAll: 1-3 matches the integer list [1, 2, 3] but not [1, 4].

Empty list matchers

Usage:Matches, if the list contains no elements.


Optionals wrap around other types and indicate that the value may not be present. There are three ways to match optional types:

Matches, if the value is not present.
Matches, if the value is present.
Matches, if the value is present and <matcher> matches the value.


Maps associate keys with values. You can match maps using the following matcher construct:

Syntax:{'<key1>': <matcher1>, '<key2>': <matcher2>, ...}
Usage:Matches, if the matcher of every key matches the associated value for that key in the map.
Example:{'entry1': false, 'entry2:' >=2 | absent} matches the map {‘entry1’:false}, {‘entry1’:false, ‘entry2:’ 5} and also {‘entry1’:false, ‘entry2:’ 5, ‘entry3’: ‘string’}.

Sponge types

Sponge types are types that represent some object in Sponge, like an item stack or an entity. Since these types can be very diverse and complex, it would be hard to create an unique matcher syntax for every type. As a result, the Sponge types are converted to a Map, which can then be matched using map matchers.


A dimension represents the type of a world, like the overworld and the nether dimension.

Map structure

Key Value type Description
name String The dimension name.
respawnAllowed Boolean Defines whether players can respawn within the dimension after death.
waterEvaporating Boolean Defines whether water evaporates in the dimension.
sky Boolean Defines whether there is a sky in the dimension (lack of bedrock).
height Integer The highest naturally generated y-coordinate in the dimension. Usually 128 (no sky) or 256 (sky).
buildHeight Integer The maximum y-coordinate a non-air cuboid can exist at in the dimension. Usually 256.

Matcher examples

  • {'name': 'nether'} matches the nether dimension.
  • {'respawnAllowed': 'false', 'sky': true} matches any dimension that has a sky and denies player respawns.


Map structure

Key Value type Description
name String The world name.
dimension Dimension The dimension.
seed Integer The world seed.
gameRules Map of Strings The game rules that are active in the world. A full list of game rules can be found at the gamerule command reference.

Matcher examples

  • {'name': 'myworld', 'dimension': {'name': 'overworld'}} matches overworld worlds called myworld.
  • {'dimension': {'name': 'nether'}, 'gameRules': {'doMobLoot': false}} matches any nether world in which mobs drops are disabled.

Block locations

A block location represents a position in a world at which a block can exist.

Map structure

Key Value type Description
x Integer The x-coordinate.
y Integer The y-coordinate.
z Integer The z-coordinate.
world World The world.

Matcher examples

  • {'x': >100} matches any block location that has an x-coordinate bigger than 100.
  • {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3, 'world': {'name': 'myworld'}} matches the block location (1,2,3) in the world myworld.

Exact locations

Map structure

Key Value type Description
x Floating point The x-coordinate.
y Floating point The y-coordinate.
z Floating point The z-coordinate.
world World The world.

Matcher examples

  • {'y': <20f} matches any block location that has an x-coordinate smaller than 20.0.
  • {'x': 10f, 'y': -2f, 'z': 3f, 'world': {'name': 'myworld'}} matches the block location (10.0,-2.0,33.0) in the world myworld.


Data types correspond to the NBT tags in Minecraft. NBT tags are used to store the data of everything in Minecraft, for example the data of an item stack or an entity.

Possible value types


  • {'ench': [{'id': 'minecraft:fortune', 'lvl': 2}, {'id': 'minecraft:fortune', 'lvl': 1}]} matches the additional data of an item stack if the stack has the two specified enchantments.

Item stacks

Map structure

Key Value type Description
type String The item type. For example minecraft:apple.
durability Integer The durability of the stack. This value is used as a damage indicator for tools and to distinguish item variants, for example coal and charcoal.
quantity Integer The amount of items in the stack.
properties Map of Strings The properties of the block type. For a list of all possible properties, see the table below.
data Data (Optional) The additional data of the stack, for example enchantments, nametags and custom tags. For a full reference, you can visit the http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorials/Command_NBT_Tags#Items. This value is not present if the item stack has no additional data.

Available properties

All property values are Optionals. If a property does not apply for an item stack, it is not present.

Name Value type Description
armorType String  
burningFuel Integer Defines the amount of fuel ticks an item will grant to a furnace.
damageAbsorption Integer Defines the percentage of damage the item will absorb when equipped.
efficiency Floating point Defines the efficiency qualifier of an item when mining harvestable blocks.
equipment String Defines the equipment type that the item can be used in an equipment inventory.
foodRestoration Integer Defines how much the level will be restored when the item is consumed.
saturation Floating point Defines how much the item replenishes saturation upon use or consumption.
toolType String  
useLimit Integer Defines a limit on the number of uses on an item.

Matcher examples

  • {'type': 'minecraft:diamond_pickaxe', 'data': {'ench': matchAny: {'id': 'minecraft:efficiency'}} matches a diamond pickaxe that has an Efficiency enchantment of any level.
  • {'type': 'minecraft:coal', 'durability': 1, 'quantity': >1} matches a stack of charcoal that contains more than one item.

Item enchantments

Map structure

Key Value type Description
id String The enchantment id. For example minecraft:efficiency.
level Integer The level of the enchantment.

Matcher examples

  • {'id': 'minecraft:unbreaking'} matches any Unbreaking enchantment.
  • {'id': 'minecraft:fortune' | 'minecraft:efficiency', 'level': >1} matches any Fortune or Efficiency enchantment with a level bigger than 1.

Block types

Map structure

Key Value type Description
id String The block type id. For example minecraft:stone.
properties Map of Strings The properties of the block type. For a list of all possible properties, see the table below.

Available properties

All property values are Optionals. If a property does not apply for a block type, it is not present.

Name Value type Description
blastResistance Floating point  
flammable Boolean Defines whether a block is able to catch fire.
gravityAffected Boolean Defines whether a block type is affected by “gravity” such that if a block is placed and there is no block supporting it, the block will fall.
groundLuminance Floating point Defines the amount of light on a block location.
hardness Floating point  
heldItem Boolean  
indirectlyPowered Boolean  
lightEmission Integer Defines the amount of light emitted from the owning block.
matter String  
passable Boolean  
powered Boolean  
replaceable Boolean Defines if a block type can be replaced by other block types when other blocks are being placed.
skyLuminance Floating point Defines the amount of light emitted from the owning block.
solidCube Boolean Defines whether a block type is a “solid cube” and therefore can be considered to place a torch on its side.
statisticsTracked Boolean  
temperature Floating point  
unbreakable Boolean  

Matcher examples

  • {'id': 'minecraft:stone'} matches the block type minecraft:stone.
  • {'id': r'minecraft:.+', 'properties': {'gravityAffected': true}} matches all vanilla blocks which are affected by gravity, for example minecraft:sand.

Block states

Map structure

Key Value type Description
type Block type The block type.
traits Map of Strings The traits of the block. All block traits are Optionals. If a block trait does not apply for an item stack, it is not present.
data Data The additional data of the block, for example tile entity data. For a full reference, you can visit the Minecraft wiki. This entry is not present if the block state has no additional data.

Matcher examples

  • {'type': {'id': 'minecraft:planks'}, 'traits': {'variant': 'birch'}} matches only birch planks.
  • {'type': {'id': 'minecraft:chest'}, 'data': {'CustomName': 'MyChest'}} matches chests that have been renamed to MyChest.


Map structure

Key Value type Description
state Block state The block state.
location Block location The block location.

Matcher examples

  • {'state': {'type': {'id': 'minecraft:planks'}, 'traits': {'variant': 'birch'}}, 'location': {'y': >62}} matches birch planks above the sea level.
  • {'state': {'type': {'id': r'minecraft:.*'}}, 'location': {'x': 1, 'y': 1, 'z': 1}} matches the block at (1,1,1) if it is a vanilla block.


Entities encompass all dynamic, moving objects throughout the Minecraft world.

Map structure

Key Value type Description
type String The entity type, for example minecraft:sheep.
location Exact location The current location.
rotX Floating point The rotation around the x-axis.
rotY Floating point The rotation around the y-axis.
rotZ Floating point The rotation around the z-axis.
vehicle Entity (Optional) The entity that the current entity is riding. This value is not present if the entity is not riding any vehicle.
passenger Entity (Optional) The entity passenger that rides the entity. This value is not present if there is no entity riding on the entity any vehicle.
baseVehicle Entity The entity vehicle that is the base of what ever stack the current entity is a part of. This can be the current entity, if it is not riding any vehicle.

Matcher examples

  • {'type': 'Creeper' | 'Skeleton' | 'Zombie' | 'Spider' | 'Enderman'} matches all normal-spawning and hostile mobs.
  • {'type': 'Player', 'vehicle': {'type': 'Minecart' | 'Boat'}} matches players that are currently in a minecart or a boat.
  • {'type': 'Spider', 'location': {'y': >62}'passenger': {'type': 'Skeleton'}} matches spiders that have a skeleton riding on them and currently located above the sea level.

Living entities

A living entity is a normal entity with additional health values. The living entity type inherits all properties from the entity type.

Additional map structure

Key Value type Description
health Floating point The current health amount.
maxHealth Floating point The current maximum health amount.

Matcher examples

  • {'type': 'Zombie', 'health': >10f} matches zombies that have more than 5 hearts of health.
  • {'maxHealth': '20f'} matches all living entities that can have 10 hearts of health.


The player type inherits all properties from the living entity type.

Additional map structure

Key Value type Description
name String The player name.
uuid String The player UUID.
permissions Map of Booleans All current applicable permissions. If the value for a specific permission is true, then the permission is explicitly granted. If it is false, then the permission is explicitly denied. If the map does not contain a specific permission, then it is not set.
gamemode String The current gamemode. Can be survival, creative, adventure or spectator.
helmet Item stack (Optional) The currently worn helmet. If there is none, this value entry is not present.
chestplate Item stack (Optional) The currently worn chestplate. If there is none, this value entry is not present.
leggings Item stack (Optional) The currently worn leggings. If there is none, this value entry is not present.
boots Item stack (Optional) The currently worn boots. If there is none, this value entry is not present.
itemInHand Item stack (Optional) The item stack that the player currently has in his hand. If there is none, this value entry is not present.

Matcher examples

  • {'type': 'Notch'} matches the player Notch.
  • {'permissions': {'somePlugin.admin': true} | {'somePlugin.somePermission': 'true'}} matches players that have either an admin permission or a specific permission for a plugin.
  • {'helmet': {'type': 'minecraft:diamond_helmet'}, 'chestplate': {'type': 'minecraft:diamond_chestplate'}, 'leggings': {'type': 'minecraft:diamond_leggings'}, 'boots': {'type': 'minecraft:diamond_boots'}} matches players that have full diamond armor equipped.
  • {'gamemode': 'survival', 'itemInHand': {'properties': {'burningFuel': existent}}} matches players that have a burnable item in their hand.